Sunday (1/12): 5 miles
Easy on the grassy flat at sports park. Followed with barefoot drills, strides, and core strengthening at home.
Monday (1/13): 10 miles
First speed workout of the year at the local high school track. Two mile warm up. Drills and skips. Then 8X(200-400) with a 1:1 speed to recovery ratio. Two mile cool down. Goal for this workout was to run each interval relatively fast but focusing on maintaining a smooth and proper stride. Here is the breakdown:
(34, 1:13)
(35, 1:10)
(35, 1:11)
(35, 1:12)
(37, 1:12)
(35, 1:12)
(35, 1:11)
(35, 1:10)
Total time for 3 miles: 14:20, avg mile pace for each interval 4:46. That's a noticeable improvement over last year. Last May I started speed workouts for the first time since college (2005). I struggled to hit 5:20 pace for my intervals in the beginning and by the end of last year I was averaging 5:00 pace. I think the pace of this workout is based on three factors: one, I'm getting faster (I hope!), two, my legs were fresh, and three, I ran it too hard (which was what actually happened). We'll see if I'm able to maintain this pace from week to week.
Tuesday (1/14): Day off.
Wednesday (1/15): 10 miles
First tempo workout at sports park on flat grass. Two mile warm up, six mile tempo, and two mile cool down. Tempo is run on a one mile out and back course mostly flat with a few dips here and there; terrain is typically grass throughout with sections of gravel road, dirt and roots, and some occasional mud. Turn around points definitely slow my times; I will have to design a new course that limits tight turn around points. Legs were very tired from Monday. Here is the breakdown: 5:48, 6:00, 6:06, 6:06. 6:07, 5:52 and total 36:03 with an average right at 6:00 min/mi. The goal is to run right at aerobic threshold. I was running these a lot faster in between Moab and Cajun Coyote (5:45 min/mi) but my legs were more fresh then but I accomplished what I needed to.
Thursday (1/16): 5 miles
Easy mileage at sports park followed with barefoot drills, strides, and core strengthening.
Friday (1/17): 5 miles
Easy mileage with Grits at the sports park.
Saturday (1/18): 15+ miles
Two loops at the Beast with two loops around the top of park. Breakdown: 1st Beast Loop (51:00), 2 miles (15:11), 2nd Beast Loop (53:55), 2 miles (14:01), Total (2:14:09)
Weekly Total: 50 miles
Overall a great week, very excited to be running again. Next week is going to hurt with an increase in mileage and intensity. I have Forge Dirty Soles 10k on Saturday, it will be my first 10k in over a year, I'm looking forward to trying the shorter distance again; however, it is to early in the year to taper so I will attempt three hard workouts next week. Speed on Monday, tempo on Wednesday, and tempo/race followed with mileage on Saturday.
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